Молодцы MekTek. Пока весь мир ждёт пятого Мехварриора, они не стали париться с лицензией и перевыпустили четвёртого. Типа, переделав текстуры, добавив мехов, возможность играть за элементалей и прочие весёлости. Ну, и заодно сделав игру бесплатной. Блин, лучше бы они этого не делали... Прочитал сейчас у них на форуме, как парятся с этим бесплатным сервисом:
варнинг, американский английскийSo I was all excited when a friend gave me the link to a free release of MW4. Then I get here and find out how many insane hoops I have to jump through to get it. You may as well as not have offered it at all.
Using Windows 7 w/8GB RAM, about 700GB left on the 1TB install drive. I run no anti-virus, and I am confident my router's forwarding is set up properly. The MTX app just plain does not work. I installed the app, and every time it loads it tells me the servers are overloaded. First I could not even see a list of available games. Some searching through tech support finally led me to "delete the .ini files". Okie, great..now I have a list of games. I click MW4, click install, and it says downloading, "this may take some time". I go to work. 8 hours later, it is still sitting at the same place. I kill it, and retry a few time, and it hangs and the same place every time. Half the time, when I attempt to load the app, Windows throws up an alert asking if I want some "ff*.msi" to make changes to my system. WTF? The only time I was able to get the app to even connect to a server for installation was when I chose to run it as administrator. Then it finally connects to a torrent server and starts to download. It says something like 370 minutes left, so I go to sleep. Wake up, and it's just sitting there doing nothing.
Finally, I download the MTX file from uTorrent. That really doesn't help, because I still have to 'install' it through this POS MTX app. I load it up, open the MTX file, and it tells me it is copying the file...forever. Seriously, I let it go for 24 hours. I kill the app and copy the MTX from my uTorrent directory into the directory I referenced for installed games. It still tries to copy the file. I copy it to the MTX app directory. Still tries to copy the file. Offline mode or not, it just refuses to cooperate. FINALLY, I try it again this morning, and it "finds" the MTX file and installs the game. I still have no idea why, but it doesn't really matter - I start the game and it quits because I don't have &^#[maRk]^% CD 2 to "put in the drive". WTFH? I load up the forums again and research the issue. The only thread I find says make sure to get the updates. Funny, I downloaded .0021, so that should not be an issue. I load up MTX, and it is at .0017. I try to get the updates, and it says my checksums don't match. I cannot even begin to describe how done I am with this piece of crap.
Why MTX anyways? Why the proprietary, poorly designed, non-functional mandatory third-party gateway for what should be a simple game installation? You guys could not find a better way to do this? Scratch that...I would even forgive the proprietary delivery system *IF IT WORKED*. I'd even forgive it if it worked halfway, but that is not the case. I've spent two frustrating days working with what should have been a nice piece of retro amusement, and instead descended into unfinished application hell.
Let me know when you snap out of it.
(с) www.mektek.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=15784...И, прочитав, готов был пожать этому товарищу руку - я сам через всё это дело прошёл. И диск у меня, @^*$#, бесплатная игра просит до сих пор.